Side Menu - Set Active Font Color CSS Code: #overlay wdg-menu-kavftig .active{ color: #000; } copy the CSS
Color one Side Menu Element CSS code: #overlay wdg-menu-kavftig ul li:nth-child(10) { background-color: #78a837;
Side Menu - Add padding to Logo CSS code: #overlay wdg-menu-kavftig img { width:90%; padding :10px; } copy
Top Menu - Blur and Shadow style CSS code: #overlay wdg-menu-lekprog div{ width: 100%; backdrop-filter: blur(6px)
Floating Round Titles for Carousel Plugin .name{ border-radius: 25px; margin:5px; padding: 0 5px 0 5px;
Empty squares for Language Plugin CSS code: #overlay wdg-other-language a{ border-color: #fff; padding: 5px; margin:
How to center Carousel thumbs when you don't have too many CSS code .slider{ margin: auto; } Preview:
Fix Text filed in Splash Screen plugin CSS code: #overlay wdg-other-splash h2 { white-space: normal; margin-left: auto; margin-right: