Side Menu

Create a Side Bar Menu

In this recipe, we will modify the Side Menu plugin

Replace Hamburger Icon Side Menu with Text

In this recipe, we will modify the Side Menu plugin

Custom Font for Side Menu

There are cases when your would like to use a

Modify Sub Menu elements for Side Menu

Below CSS will do two things: 1) change the color

Set Side Menu on Mobile to 70% width

CSS for Left side Side Menu: wdg-menu-kavftig .menu{

Side Menu Custom Style - Black & White

CSS: #overlay wdg-menu-kavftig ul li:nth-child(1) span { font-size: 30px;

Side Menu - Set Active Font Color

CSS Code: #overlay wdg-menu-kavftig .active{ color: #000; } copy the CSS

Color one Side Menu Element

CSS code: #overlay wdg-menu-kavftig ul li:nth-child(10) { background-color: #78a837;

Side Menu - Add padding to Logo

CSS code: #overlay wdg-menu-kavftig img { width:90%; padding :10px; } copy